London’s Chinese Feng Shui Consultants & Bazi Astrology Masters

Spiritual Coaching


Since the dawn of time, mankind has sought answers to the great unexplained mysteries of the world. Despite the advances science has made, there are still an incredible number of things which it can’t give good answers, such as:

        • Why did he treat me like that?

        • Why is this happening to me? Again!!

        • Why does there seem to be this pattern in my life? Again and again?

        • Why are my results so much less than my ability?

        • Where do these terrible feelings come from?

Many people find themselves lost in a forest of disturbing emotions and events that don’t make sense to conventional thinking. Yet the pain and distress of being such a situation are undeniably real.

Lost in the forest of emotions

In traditional Taoist thought, there are The Three Influences on our life, or 天 Tian, 地 Di, 人 Ren:

      1. 天 Heaven luck – karma inherited from our past lives or ancestors

      2. 地 Earth luck – the cause and effect of energies in our environment

      3. 人 Man luck – our education, personal effort and freewill

These can be further elaborated into the Six Influences as our Feng Shui consultation clients will know.

Similarly, the Yoga Sutras of Patenjali are the oldest surviving literature describing humans as multidimensional beings who simultaneously occur on multiple levels from the most subtle to most obvious:

      1. Source – this is least perceived and experienced of all

      2. Light body – this is realm of spirit, trance, curses, black magic, jinx, voodoo, jinn, ancestral trauma and past life karmas

      3. Mental body – the level of our thoughts and beliefs

      4. Energy body – our meridians and emotions, together with environmental energies

      5. Physical body – this is the most perceived and experienced of all, yet it is shaped by the higher levels

With spiritual coaching, we look beyond the surface of events to understand the deeper meaning and causation of them. This allows you to work with problems that are hard to treat by conventional means or to face up to challenges that the modern education system gives us no preparation for. When our spirit leaves us, we feel like we have lost the will to live but when our spirit is strong, even really difficult challenges can be faced with determination to conquer them and save others.

Who Is This For? How Does This Help You?

The aim of this consultation can be for a combination of reasons:

    • Bring peace and understanding to your situation 
    • Give you insight
    • Give you closure
    • Give you resolution
    • Provide answers as to why
    • Provide healing of hurt feelings
    • Help you stop looping over same stuck issues 
    • Help you achieve something you want
    • Help you move forward and progress especially if you have been feeling stuck


This consultation a good fit for many situations including:

1 – Those experiencing disturbing emotions like:

  • anxiety,

  • anger,

  • irritability,

  • grief,

  • looping thoughts ( you get stuck on negative thoughts)

  • feeling lost

  • feeling confused & not sure what to do

  • loneliness,

  • blame and resentment,

  • overly critical thinking,

  • unwanted or inappropriate lustfulness,

  • abandonment,

  • depression

What is a disturbing emotion?

Most unpleasant emotions are actually acceptable or even healthy within a certain context. When going to a new job interview, it might be appropriate to feel nervous but if anxiety is making a trip to the local shops unpleasant, 

then a healthy alarm signal has become a disturbing emotion. If a loved one has just passed, we may feel strong grief or depression, but if it appears without apparent cause and refuses to leave, that is a disturbing emotion.

2 – Those facing difficult inner circumstances like:

  • Loss of a pregnancy such as to miscarriage or abortion

  • Unfulfilling relationship but you feel obligated to stay

  • Relationships where they’re treating you awful but you just can’t stop yourself from going there

  • Self-sabotage – you know doing that will ruin your plan but you do it anyway as if a part of you is trying to ruin yourself

  • Bereavement or end-of-life care

  • Stuck in a rut

  • Searching for meaning in life, lacking purpose

These fall into two groups – those where death has given a direct need for spiritual support and those where the mind or heart has become split in two contradictory directions. 

Normally those in the latter group have tried reasoning it through and actually are at the end of their tether because they know full well what they should be doing, but it is as if an invisible force is controlling them.

3 – Those facing external challenges

  • Difficult work issues (ie. backstabbing colleagues, lousy boss, bullying, no appreciation, no recognition, no promotions, eventhough you sacrificed & work hard)

  • Dysfunctional families – behaviours, fragmentation, estrangement, lack of harmony at a systemic level. ie. No communication with siblings. 

  • In-laws and out-law issues

  • Baby cries too often at night or dog won’t stop howling or barking, even when comforted

  • Insomnia affecting the household, night terrors, sleep paralysis

  • Constant calamities, things breaking, getting lost, as if the universe is hindering progress

  • Inability to keep the home organised, hoarding, clutter

  • Suspicions of black magic, jinn, hexes, curses, blackmagic, gongtau or other foul play

What Happens in Spiritual Coaching?

Spiritual coaching happens as a series of sessions, normally on a weekly or fortnightly basis. We work through a series of phases:

    1. Discovery – we’ll go through your own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing, look at your personal biography for sources of trauma, explore your ancestral field for unresolved traumata, hereditary patterns and epigenetics, look at the social biography of the times and places you and your family have lived through with the scope to go into past life karma once these earlier factors have been sufficiently purified.

      A wide range of diagnostic methods are used from Bazi destiny analysis and Mian Xiang reading of face, moles and palms, to genograms and family constellations. Clients normally find this stage particularly enjoyable since it reveals many underlying mechanics as to why things happened to them or their family.

    2. Educating – many of the factors leading to wellbeing are not well understood. Once you know them, you may feel “that makes a lot of sense” and “it seems obvious now I think about it”, but without an experienced guide showing you the path, it would take a long time to discover it by yourself. This is why it isn’t enough to just have great diagnostics. One must know what the results really mean to you in order for them to be acted upon intelligently.


    3. Training – as we uncover problems and trace them back to their originating causes, we need to learn how to resolve these using “skilful means”, meaning techniques that only bring benefit to all parties involved. By revealing to you the causes and giving you the means to fix them, we empower you to become your own self-help guru, fixing yourself and those around you simultaneously.

    4. Develop – it is one thing to understand what skilful means is but another to be able to consistently perform it correctly. Holding your hand through till proficiency is reached, you’ll work on successively more difficult tasks, stretching your spiritual ability and building genuine compassion for others. At the same time you’ll experience real lasting results as problems transform. Fears and disturbing emotions recede, and lasting, peaceful happiness appears where they left.

We use these broad phases rather than a set curriculum as you come with your own unique concerns and karma. Our talent is to work around that and nurture you from wherever you are rather than expect you to fit a “one size fits all” approach.

Steps To Wellbeing

How Much Does It Cost?

Spiritual Coaching costs £80 per hour. You will need to make payment in advance to confirm your consultation and you can book your spiritual coaching session online

The minimum term after your first coaching is 4 sessions. Once a week or once every 2 weeks. Although many have loved it so much, they’re still with us years later and these same clients tell us they’re feeling the best they’ve ever felt with far greater meaning and appreciation of life.

Consults will be done via Google Meet, Zoom, WhatsApp video or telephone. Face to face consults in your home within London is £350 for 3 hours onsite to include travel time. 

Who Is It With?

Master Charlotte Frejya-Richwoods

Although both Angela and Charlotte can provide this service, most sessions will be facilitated by Master Charlotte Frejya-Richwoods.

Charlotte brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to these sessions, and her clients have included those from all walks of life and a wide variety of cultures with students in every continent.She offers coaching sessions most days with a couple of mid week days allowing after work sessions.
