London’s Chinese Feng Shui Consultants & Bazi Astrology Masters

Although Feng Shui, Face Reading and Ba Zi are all ways of seeing what might happen to a person at a point in time, these arts are not the ideal tool for every task. For instance, if a football match were to happen, calculating the charts of everyone involved, analysing the land form of the stadium and then drawing a conclusion would be a mammoth undertaking and the match would probably be over before all the necessary formulas had been calculated!

A far better way of getting answers to questions is to use one of the Divination Arts. Whilst there are many other ways such as Kau Chim fortune telling sticks, the main two camps are these:

Whether in politics, business or family life, divination helps you discover rich insights in complex situations. It could be when to launch a new publicity campaign, to understand what that difficult in-law is really thinking or to decide whether a house seller is trying to get one over on you.